Safety at Home and School by Mr. Olorunfemi
Safety is the state of being safe and protected from danger or harm. Whether you are at home or in school, or in an office or on the road, staying safe is a top priority.
Parents/caregivers should take note of the following at home and school to prevent accidents.
- Industrial Safety: This involves safety at the workplace.
- Road Safety: This involves safety on-road (low and high way)
- Domestic Safety: This involves safety at home.
The home is a place where you live. It is where the heart is. Surprisingly and contrary to popular belief more accidents happen in the home than in the street perhaps, this is because most of our time is spent at home.
Electrical gadgets and appliances should not be handled with wet hands because water is a good conductor of electricity and the chances of being electrocuted are high. Fuses should be installed whenever possible as they prevent fire. Faulty gadgets should not be used and should be repaired immediately by a qualified electrician.
Medicines and poisonous substances should be kept away from the reach of children. Access to sharp objects such as knives, blade, and scissors be denied. Handles of saucepans should be placed away from one while cooking otherwise a careless move may lead to scalding. Extra care should be taken whilst using an iron.
Swallowing of objects is a common phenomenon among small children. Bright colour objects attract the attention and the first thing they do on getting these objects is to put it in their mouths.
Children should avoid talking to a stranger or get into a car with someone they don’t know. Also, they should never accept alcohol, food or drink from anyone.
Floors should be cleaned and polished regularly to avoid making it slippery, whilst playing with matches and fire should be discouraged among children. Parents should have a sound knowledge of first Aid and even teach their children.
A school is a place where children go to be educated. Staying safe at school is just as important as doing the same at home. A lot can happen on the way to school too.
Children should always use the walkway or ride their bicycle on the side-way of the road.
When at the playing ground children should sit on the swings and don’t walk up the side.
While waiting for the bus, they should always stand far back from the road.
Children should be taught to report any assault from a bully to an adult right away.
More so, parents and adults can help make children have safe school experience.
Talk to children about their day. Sometimes children won’t tell you if they are having problems at school.
Teach children to resolve problems without fighting.
Keep an eye on children’s internet use. Talk to them about what they do online.
Have your children arrive at the bus stop at least five minutes before the bus is scheduled to pick them up. while waiting for the bus, they should always stand far back from the road.
Teach children to make sure they can see the bus driver and the bus driver can see them before crossing in front of the bus.
Teach children not to talk to strangers, go anywhere with them, or accept gifts from them without your permission.
Also, teach children to obey school rules and regulations to ensure their safety in the school environment.
Finally, safety starts with you.