Daisy College, A Citadel of Excellence
Education is the process of enlightening, encouraging, explaining, inspiring, instructing, indoctrinating, inculcating, imparting, teaching, training and transforming ideas, information, virtues, values, skills and knowledge to a learner to make him become a skillful, knowledgeable, well mannered, sociable, adaptable, productive, competent and complete human being in the society.
A school is an institution dedicated for educating children learners so as to facilitate effective teaching and learning.
The above is our vision in Daisy school, to provide quality education to every child. Daisy College, an arm of Daisy school founded in the year 2015 is committed to giving qualitative education to learners in a favourable environment. We promote academic excellence, train well-cultured children and bring up children in the fear of God because only good success can be achieved through God.
At Daisy College, we train the three aspects of a child i.e. the mental aspect, moral aspect, and the mind, and all of these can be achieved through the three domains of education:
- The cognitive domain (mental/knowledge)
- The affective domain (mind/attitudes/emotions/feelings)
- The psychomotor domain (moral/ skills)
Cognitive: We promote excellence in academics through sound teaching and learning, well-planned curriculum that covers science, IT, Diction, language (Yoruba/French), spelling Bees competition, Quiz competition, mathematics, etc. which transform our students and make them highly intelligent.
Affective: Your Attitude determines your Altitude in life. At Daisy College, we inculcate good attitude, good culture, behaviour and morals in our students. This enables them to be disciplined; well-mannered and to exhibit good interpersonal relationships between students and students and the people in their society.
Psychomotor: Our teaching also covers the third aspect of education which is the psychomotor aspect. At Daisy College, engage our students in various vocational skills to enable them to discover their hidden potentials/talents and add value to themselves. Such programs/Skills include:
- Information Technology (IT) through the knowledge of computer and printing
e.g. making of calendar and note books. - Musical Training — students have access to learned play musical instruments .
- Farming — Students learn about agriculture.
- Science practical (electricity, construction, etc).
- Home Economics (baking, sewing).
- Entrepreneurship (Daisy market Day) where students sell different items, learn
to market goods and participate in buying and selling. - Sports, to mention but a few.
We have good facilities which make teaching and learning easy, interesting, real, and outstanding. Our activities are not limited only to the classroom, we go the extra mile by making our students have both School and outside school experience(s) such as:
- Excursions
- Health talk —for good health
- Fruit/water day — for good feeding habit
- Valentine day — to promote love
- College day —to enable students showing their talents/potential
- Parent’s morning —a platform for the parents to observe our method of teaching.
- Fun Fair day — for entertainment (because all work and no play make Jack a dull boy)
To achieve the above, we engage in different teaching methods by coming down to the level of the average students such as storytelling, research method, discussion method, lecture method) all of these have contributed to the success of the school.
Since Education is the best legacy any parent can give a child/ward, Daisy school is the best choice to give the best for your ward and to make them the pride of the family, society, and Nation at large by fulfilling their glorious destiny in life. At Daisy School, we produce a total child that is academically sound, spiritually upright, socially fit, morally balanced, and emotionally stable.
Daisy School, A citadel of Excellence!!!
Daisy School, Aiming for greatness!!!
Written by Miss Shade Obafemi