Founder’s Message
It happened that I had a property that I was developing at Ijegun and in the course of visiting the place, I was opportune to see very poor learning environments. Most of the schools were poorly completed with little or no functioning toilets. During one of such occasions, I visited one of the schools and it indeed confirmed my fears.
As a trained teacher, I was touched as I began to ponder on what would become of those children, as they know nothing other than what is available to them. This thought kept coming to me and wished I could do something about it immediately. After the building was completed I was contemplating renting it out when the thought of using it for a school came to my mind again.
That was how the journey started and we began a name search, applied and daisy Nursery/Primary was approved by the Ministry of Education 2012. Being an educationist, I conceptually put together the following for the school.
Daisy school was commenced on January 19th, 2009 due to pressure from parents in the neighborhood. From our advertisement on the banner showing “Opening soon”, the date was February 16th, 2009. The family of Odedekuma registered their daughter with us into nursery one. The second family was Mr. & Mrs. Owerre. The name of the first pupil is Success Odedekuma, the second pupil is Raphael Owerre while the third pupil is Owerre Great. Since then, the number has been increasing due to the search for quality education.
The school started with three teachers, one cleaner and one typist. The first teacher was Miss. Bisi Abioye, the second teacher is Miss. Okobo Vivian and the third is Osaji Mary. Currently, Daisy school now has a total of 24 staff members. The first three months of Daisy School in the community was a challenging one. When some parents come for inquiries, we found out that they liked everything about the school but want a school where they can pay #1,000 per term or daily tuition of #30 per day. As a curious teacher, I carried out my investigations and some teachers and good neighbours made it clear to me that this is the way the schools around the community operate. However, I said to myself that Daisy School must keep her vision alive no matter what system was operated in the community.
The introduction of well-structured I.C.T instruction from the KaRrox Computer Institute in 2009 also became a challenge as most of the parents do not want to pay even though it was discussed and agreed on at PTF Meeting.
As a beginner of any business and considering the remoteness of this area, I was a little worried but for the passion that I have for the work, my worries were reduced and as a school, we kept on teaching the few pupils we had. Today, our population is growing encouragingly. We keep on pressing on our vision and have the conviction that we will succeed. We know that with the kind of quality education we brought to our environment, it will be a lot more challenging, but we will keep the faith.
We have been able to establish a functioning PTA and now providing some of the little support that can and collectively we will continue to make progress.
MOTTO: Aiming for greatness
Our vision is to be an outstanding private educational institution producing responsible citizens with sound education, morals and good ethical traits.
Our mission is to provide quality education for every child in a prepared environment, and academically challenge each child as well as encourage them to develop their strengths and talents to the fullest.
- To develop the moral intellectual capacities of our children for academic excellence.
- To instill self-discipline and encourage the development of moral values in our students.
- To detect and help the natural ability and skills of students to the fullest.